Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Pinterest Challenge: All Wrapped Up

So, it's been a week, and it's time to reveal what I actually got accomplished this time around with the Pinterest Challenge. And I'm proud to say that this time around I actually accomplished some things! WOOT!
   First up, was the faceted pendant that I was planning on making for our's what I ended up with.'s not actually hanging yet...because it's not 100% complete - because I ran out of paper. Seriously, I used more than 200 of those dastardly little cootie-catchers, and I still have probably at least 80-100 more to do! But I think it looks pretty good thus far, and if I hadn't have run out of paper, she definitely would've been complete.

Next comes the picture frames/gallery walls...

I made the "frames" out of scrap 1/4in plywood as well as the backside of the leftover beadboard from the bathroom). I just glued the pictures onto the front of the squares, and slapped them up on the header of the stairwell. There's some tweaks I'll have to make to centering it better for one thing haha.

The last thing I did was make some string art for our bedroom gallery wall.

It looks cooler in real life, lots more dimension to it. I think I might have to add another point under the T, there just seems to be a bit too much open space there. I like the way it looks though, with the grain from the plywood poking through. Now I just have to finish the dresser makeover, and it can be hung up.

So there's the winter Pinterest Challenge of 2013, I'm happy with the results I had, while nothing's perfect, I actually got things done, which is a vast improvement from previous challenges. I'll be back later with how they look once I've finished and tweaked them all!


  1. You'll have to update once you finish the light - I've pinned that a while ago, haven't tried it, but love how yours is looking! I also like how your string art projects from the word, rather than projecting to it - never seen that before. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm impressed with that lamp! The geometric shapes are so cool. I made a lamp for my pinterest challenge too, so as soon as I saw your link I was interested.
